10 Lightroom Mobile Hacks I Wish I Knew Sooner

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10 Lightroom Mobile Hacks I Wish I Knew Sooner

This will probably sound weird, but one of my favorite things to do is tinker deeply with apps. The reason is that there are often moments of discovery where I find a feature or utility hidden by the developers. Developers often hide features because they make the user interface too busy or confusing for the user. Other times, features are hidden mostly to save the users from themselves. Either the feature is complex or can cause problems if not used correctly. While that makes sense, these precautions sometimes come at the expense of user productivity.

That's why I'm excited about this video. I spent a lot of time tapping, dragging, and pinching every nook and cranny of Lightroom on my iPhone and came up with ten usability hacks that will help you get even more use out of the app. And the best part is that I found even more hacks than the ten covered here, so you can be sure that there will be a Part II to this series!

It's Time to Learn How To Use Lightroom Everywhere!

If you enjoyed this article and want to learn how to get the most out of Lightroom's cloud-based ecosystem on the desktop, smartphone, and tablet, then you should check out my Lightroom Everywhere course! It has over nine hours of easy-paced lessons that'll teach you how to make the most out of Lightroom Desktop and Mobile.

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