One of Lightroom Mobile’s Most Requested Features Is Here

I'm always a happy camper whenever Adobe releases an update to Lightroom with new feature and improves feature parity between Desktop and Mobile. With the recently released Lightroom Mobile v9.4 for iOS and iPadOS, Adobe gave us something in the latter camp: the ability to import presets on mobile devices.
I understand that this may sound anticlimactic, and I admit that it's not the most exciting new feature. But hear me out. For the longest time, Lightroom Mobile users had to either use Lightroom Desktop to import new presets or jump through a bunch of hoops to get it done on mobile.
Now, the process is as streamlined as ever! And it's a big win anytime Lightroom Mobile gains more feature parity with Lightroom Desktop. Here's a walkthrough explaining how this works by importing my Color Grade Preset Pack. While I illustrated it using Lightroom on my iPad, it works exactly the same on the iPhone. Also, I've heard from a few users who confirm that importing presets is already available in Lightroom for Android.
Important Note
If you had watched the above video, you would have seen that there is currently an issue where presets imported with Lightroom Mobile do not retain the original Preset Name and don't support the Amount slider. As a reminder, everything works as expected (correct Preset Names and Amount slider support) when importing presets using Lightroom Desktop.
I have submitted an official bug report with Adobe and hope this will be fixed in a subsequent update. I'll update this article again if/when a fix has been released.